Saturday, June 4, 2011

Grad Show & Mock Installation

Once again, I got called out for neglecting my blog.  Fair enough.  I've been devoting all my time to business plan writing, with very short creative stints in between, but I HAVE been photodocumenting these creative breaks.  I should I suppose also be taking blogging breaks, but don't want my blog to turn into a rant abt business writing.

HOWEVER, I should also not be neglecting it - so I'm going to try and do some short posts with pics, to keep everyone abreast of what's going on.  We're all gearing up for our grad show which is charging toward us like the Rhinocerous from James and the Giant Peach (one of my fav movies!) or maybe dragging us toward it like the giant mechanical shark thingy.  [Also - I would really like for the results of those links to be huge and daunting when you click on them, but alas, they're pretty small.  Feel free to make them larger yourself somehow, then stare into them if you want to REALLY know how I'm feeling. Bonus points if you do!]  As a result, we have all this writing to do, but also we have to hang out grad show (that's supposed to happen Wednesday & Thursday of this week), which means all grad pieces need to be done (yikers!), and of course I still need to find a wire frame day bed type cot thingy for my istallation, cause WHY would I try and make my installation straight forward? common!

Anywho, since there was a show up in the gallery, and we needed to try and sort out the space (we essentially have 6 different shows going up in one small space.  Honestly, I think it's going to be the coolest ever!) so we spent a morning setting up mock installations in the drawing room, that vaguely outlined our space, then measured everything and went down to the gallery to see if stuff would fit.

I'll be honest here  - I was skeptical as to the usefulness of this exercise (sorry Craiger!) but after doing it, it really really did help, and help us to get an idea of how much space we'll each occupy, and how to make it work in our gallery.  Well played Craig, well played.

Below are some pics of our faux installations (would have been more, but then my camera died).
The branch with the fabric hanging off it are a mock installation of one of my pieces (not my actual work), to see how much space it would take up, whether my hanging works or not, and what relation it should have to my other piece (represented by Craiger's army cot). In the background are ReBecca's mock pieces.

My branch & cot, and in the background are Michelle's nekked Judies.  Sassy ladies!

Another angle of Michelle's and My work.

Having no idea what ReBecca is up to for grad work, I was quite intrigued by her set up.  You can also just see some of Faye's work in the background.


Jackie said...

Never doubt the brilliance of the Craigger!

Rachel Anne said...

Words to live by, J-Bomb!