Thursday, April 28, 2011

Good News!

I'm going to have a REAL studio!!
Right now I'm working in a spare bedroom/studio/giant closet and to be honest, it gets quite frustrating.  It's a hard space not to get swallowed up the overload of stuff and lack of space.  But, I've realized I need to have a studio in my living space because I work odd hours, like to multitask while I work (which can include housework etc and creative work), and am just plain to lazy to walk across the street (literally) to go to a studio.  I also just really like having my stuff around me (the start of this sentence is a hoarder alert!) so that when the creative spirit takes me, it's there: I never know what I'll be inspired by and when.

Now for the good news... Drumroll please...

The spare bedroom/closet/studio is soon to be JUST A STUDIO!!!!! YAAAYYY!!!

The powers that be have seen to for our spare bed to be taken away, which frees up SO MUCH space for me! Also, the fox and I have decided to stay in the this apartment for another year so we're agreeing to invest in a pantry and shelving etc, which will also solve the "this studio is a giant closet" problem.  I am SO EXCITED!
Creating in a space I can't turn around in is a tad challenging and soon I will be without a studio at school (cause I'll be gradumacated) so this could not have come at a better time!

I will not be posting photos of my "studio" pre fixing up (it's horrifyingly embarassing) but will try to post of mid clean up, and when it finally becomes a studio (as opposed to a "studio").

In related news, I'm also happy to have one less reason to use airquotes in my daily life.

This new set-up idea is my cuppa tea (maybe I'll even get a comfy chair to sip my cuppa tea in my studio!).

(and see, I promised a shorter post, and delivered!)

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