Monday, April 4, 2011

The World Around Us: How To Steal Like An Artist

#1 - Let me preface this post by saying "I do this".  The "this" I'm referring to is making headings and sub headings for this.  You may or may not have noticed I've been tending to try and organize all my posts; this may stem from my habitual list-making (some of which I may one day share on here), or maybe it's just the inside of my brain coming out.  I realize my brain (and my studio) seem/are jumbled and full of meandering paths rather than straight roads that eventually get me to the answers I want, or the actions I need to do, but probably not nearly as quickly or efficiently as others.  I try my best to organize things, because that's the world we live in, but I'll be honest the chances of me finding something I need that I put away to keep safe are a lot less likely than of finding something that's in a weird place, but out in the open, so everytime I walk by it, I register it.  If it's tucked away, I just forget about it's existance - my brain and my world both work this way.  With the exception, of course of the three great F's: family, friends, and the farm (I wish it were four, so the alliteration would be better).

At any rate - right now I'm labelling blog posts, this may work, it may not, I may be over complicating things, or under complicating, or neither.  Just a little bit of suspense to keep life exciting.  But right now "The World Around Us" is my title for things that have come to my attention online, or not, and that are inspiring, thought-provoking, or just plain cool.

#2 - The inspiration for this post:
While perusing my facebook I came across a post on an old classmate's facebook site about her blog (the mulitple layers of social media still blow my mind).  Danielle Meder is the classmate with the blog she's been running for years.
Final Fashion follows her navigating the world of fashion from Toronto, and now London, England where she just moved.
The piece she posted that so inspired me is a post from Texas writer, Austin Kleon, title How To Steal Like An Artist and is a very inspiring, very real look at our world and in particular making your way in the creative field.  However, I think a lot of his insights are applicable to all avenues of life and industry.  Give it a read yourself, and let it inspire you too!  Some of the most memorable quotes to live by:

"Artists aren’t magicians. There’s no penalty for revealing your secrets." (Thankfully there's no Artists Alliance out there waiting to ban you if you spill - a a little nod to Arrested Development, cudos to any of you who got that)

"When you open up your process and invite people in, you learn."  That's what it's all about.

“Do good work and put it where people can see it.” 
(Sometimes the best truths are the simplest ones.)

Also, #8 - Be Nice.  The World Is A Small Town.
(This small town girl greatly appreciates that sentiment!)

Ok, so rather than reposting his entire article, I'm just gonna say one more thing - #4 is a thing I, and a lot of ppl I know, live by and it is SO rewarding!
Hope that piques your interest if you haven't already, so go ahead, click that link! Read on! Absolutely worth the the 7 minutes it'll take away from your facebooking! ;-)

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