Thursday, March 24, 2011

Courageous Creatives - Introduction

Courageous Creatives is where I will be paying homage to those creative types everywhere who are living the dream and having a go at making their living (whether in full or part) by engaging their talents and doing their creative thang.  Whether they're students living on mac & cheese and selling their beautiful handmades at a local farmer's market, or professionals working full time in a studio with a successful creative business (or anywhere in between), these people deserve recognition and support.  They're taking risks, putting their work out there to be judged, and making the world a more beautiful, handmade place.  And that, my friends, is my cuppa tea.

(Side note here, in the process of getting this blog going I immediately wanted to call this segment "Courageous Creatives".  Then, of course I started second guessing the title - it satisfies my love of aliteration, yes, but is a very strong statement.  Maybe Cudos to Creatives would be better, or Crafty Like A Fox.  But you know what?  Acting on your creativity is a courageous act, and one that those of us for whom creativity is a way of life may take for granted, and one that those who don't "make" might not quite realize.  It's taking a piece of what's inside and making it tangible, holding it up to the light and saying "here everyone, come take a look".  Whether it's a crocheted pot holder, a painted masterpiece, or a line of clothing it can be theraputic, exhilarating, satisfying, and terrifying all rolled into one experience.  So Courageous Creatives it is, but that sums it up best and I have so much respect for all those makers who wind up in this column or don't.  Keep on makin' people.  It's a beautiful thing.)

So, go ahead, indulge yourself: ogle their photos, check out their websites, maybe even treat yourself to something them make/do.  We all need a little creative in our lives!

1 comment:

craig anthony schneider said...

Courageous Creatives!
that is it,that is really it!
Celebrate the courage, be dammed the 'failure'! The courage to keep exploring our own unknown.
Going backwards IS just another way to move forward!
any which way but stopping.

I look forward to more of this celebration and recognition of yours, thank you.