Sunday, March 20, 2011

Flea Market Finds

I am a person who enjoys routines.  I like to think that I'm spontaneous (and I do think I can be), but to be honest, I enjoy a good routine.  Like getting up in the morning and having a cup of tea; or walking home for lunch and making a cup of tea; coming home from school (or work) & sitting down with a nice, hot cup of tea.  OK OK, so I don't have THAT many routines, and the ones I do have mostly all revolve around tea.  However, one routine that I love and will miss if I ever move is getting up Sunday mornings, having my cup of tea, and then walking across the street to the Fredericton Flea Market (actually, first I stop for a cup of tea to go from my favourite coffee shop).
It's a routine The Fox and I used to do together every Sunday, but he now works Sundays so I take my time and go with myself for company, or meet the illustrious K-ron there.
Now, with no Fox to keep my love for second-hand things of a textiley nature in check Sunday mornings sometimes get a little out of control with what I bring home.  But I love it, I love bartering with good natured people, I love rummaging through stacks of embroidered linens & hand crocheted doilies (which I usually come home with a bagfull of every Sunday), flipping through musty books with hand scrawled notes, or pondering over which old tools my Maritime cousins (who take care of me here) would like under their Christmas tree (which I can never figure out, so I never get them).
I never know what I'll come home with, but one thing's for sure, I always come home with something.
I'd like to share that, so I'm going to add to my Sunday routine with a flea market post of my finds.
This week was a fairly conservative buy, as I doilied myself out over the last month (I averaged a good sized bagfull the previous four weekends.  Doily involved projects to come!), but I got a couple good buys.  Now that's my cuppa tea!

 This table runner caught my eye>  Beautiful old embroidered lace for only $2.00!

Awkward photo, I know but new camera so oh well! Promise I'll do better next time.  Lovely embroidered hankie.  I'm always in awe of the time people used to put into decorating such things.  
And of course, something for The Fox.  History geeker that he is, I knew he love this old map - only $1!
What's the first thing I did on getting it home?  Why opened it up of course...

And found home!  Can you pick out God's Country (also known as Glengarry)?

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