Friday, May 13, 2011

Work in Progress: Installation Adventures

Installation is something I've very newly become interested in.  I'm glad I'm finally getting interested and trying to push myself to come up original ways to show my work.  Generally I've always left those decisions up to others because I felt it overwhelming, or that I had no experience or clue how to do that.  It's also a bad habit I have that's followed me since Fashion School - once the work is done, I'm done with it.  I figured it was out of my hands and that was that (also I usually didn't have time for styling since I was last minute about everything).

However, installation is SO IMPORTANT for art & craft work.  Just as styling and accessorizing can make all the difference on the runway, so does installation in a show.  Some work looks great on a wall, but I feel like the majority of my work needs context - on the wall is an examination of the piece, it's colours, technical skill, what the symbolism that physically exists means, etc.  But there's so much opportunity to add more to the story with an interesting, thoughtful installation.  It makes the viewing not just about the piece, but about it's environment and how everything relates.  It can add a whole other whallop of layers.

Towit, I've started to pay attention to my installation, and am trying to push myself.  It's actually quite exciting.

Last night my good friend Jackie B and I trolloped through this amazing Forest-In-A-City, O'Dell Park, in search of the perfect branch.  I have a photoshoot again today for a silk dress I've been working on (pics of process to come) and rather than show it on a dress form, or hanging on a hanger (which would make no sense to the piece because it's not a commercial dress) I want it to look like it was tossed off  in the woods. 

We had a beautiful evening enjoying the serene woods, found 3 amazing contenders, stumbled upon the most ancient-looking tree ever, and saw ducks bobbing for bugs.  It was a great night, so thanks Jackie!  I can't wait to see how this photoshoot turns out!

Jackie B, positing a query?

Me and my lady, Jackie B who totally saved my butt on this!

One of my branches, just takin a break from carrying it (thanks Jackie!)

An amazing and ginormous tree we stumbled upon on the trail.

One of the three large branches we brought back, taking up all of Jackie's van. Thank goodness for the van!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

That was a fun trip! Thanks for asking me to come play in the woods!